Welcome to ATMA Samastipur

ATMA is a society of key stakeholders involved in Agricultural activities for sustainable agriculture development in the district.  It is a focal point for Integrating Research and Extension activities and decentralizing day to day management of the public Agricultural Technology System (ATS).  It is a registered society responsible for technology dissemination at the district level.  As a society, it would be able to receive and expend project funds, entering into contracts & agreements and maintaining revolving accounts that can be used to collect fees and thereby recovering operating cost. Read More…

Notice Board

  1. Second Selection List from Waiting list for BTM 
  2. Final Merit List/Selection List/Waiting List of BTM 223
  3. Final Merit List/Selection List/Waiting List of ATM 2023
  4. बी.टी.एम./ए.टी.एम./प्रखंड स्तरीय लेखापाल का दावा/आपत्ति का किये गए निराकरण
  5. दावा / आपत्ति का पत्र
  6. Draft Merit List of Block Technical Manager (BTM) 2023
  7. Draft Merit List of Assistant Technical Manager (ATM) 2023
  8. Draft Merit List of Block Level Accountant 2023
  9. Draft Merit List of Stenographer-cum-clerk 2023
  10. List of BFAC Chairman and member 10.07.2023
  11. Regarding Information of Handicapped reservation of BTM Post
  12. http://oc0TbfF4Z3Ri&TF#VyRewL0TList of Shortlisted Candidates for Block Level Accountant and District Level Steno-cum-clerk  for counselling 2023
  13. List of Shortlisted Candidates for ATM Post for Counselling 2023
  14. List of shortlisted Candidates for BTM Post for Counselling
  15. Grading List for SFAC Member 
  16. All Activity detail in ATMA Yojna of Fin. Year 2021-22 
  17. Detail of Fascilititator selection under DAESI Programme
  18. List of Chairman of FAC Block Dalsingsari 
  19. प्रखंडवार किसान सलाहकार समिति का आवेदकों की सूची
  20. Second Final Waiting List Block Level Accountant 
  21. Second Final Waiting List Assistant Technical Manager (ATM)
  22. Second Final Waiting List Block Technical Manager (BTM)
  23. List of Kisan Salahkar Samiti, Block- Kalyanpur, Warisnagar
  24. List of Farmer who participate Kisan Choupal Programme 2020-21
  25. List of Kisan Salahkar Samiti Block- M Nagar, Shivajinagar, Vidyapatinagar, Patory, Mohanapur, Pusa
  26. List of Kisan Salahkar Samiti Block- Ujiarpur, Khanpur, Morwa, Bibhutipur, Samastipur, Singhia
  27. List of Kisan Salahkar Samiti Block- Tajpur, Hasanpur, Rosera, Dalsingsarai, Bithan, Srairanjan
  28. List of Fertilizer, Seed and Pesticides Dealer At Samastipur District
  29. Final Selection List of BTM
  30. Final Waiting List of BTM
  31. Final Merit List of BTM
  32. Final Selection List of ATM
  33. Final Waiting List of ATM
  34. Final Merit List of ATM
  35. Final Selection List of Accountant
  36. Final Wating List of Accountant
  37. Final Merit List of Accountant
  38. Notice of All BTM/ATM/Accountant/Stenographer Candidate for own objection
  39. Draft Merit List of BTM
  40. Draft Merit List of ATM
  41. Draft Merit List of Block Level Accountant
  42. Draft Merit List of Stenographer-cum-clerk
  43. Information Regrading Block Level Accountant Counselling detail
  44. list of candidate for counselling Regarding Patna High Court Order
  45. Inoformation Regarding Counselling for the Post of BTM/ATM/Accountant/Steno-cum-Clerk
  46. List of Farmer Interest Group and Food Security Group with all member from F.Y. 2011-12 to 2018-19
  47. List of all candidates who applied for Stenographer-cum-clerk in samastipur district
  48. List of Shortlisted Candidates for Counselling of Accountant Post
  49. List of All Candidates who applied for Accountant Post in Samastipur District
  50. Lis of Shortlisted Candidate for Counselling of ATM Post
  51. List of All  Candidates who applied for ATM Post in Samastipur District as well as other districts
  52. Rectified List of Shortlisted Candidates for Counselling of BTM Post
  53. List of All Candidate who applied BTM Post Option in Samastipur Districcthttp://atmasamastipur.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/List-of-all-applied-BTM-candidate-who-choice-for-Samastipur-District.pdf
  54. List of farmer in Exposer Visit inter state 2017-18
  55. List of Demonstration of Mushroom Fin. Year 2016-17
  56. List of Demonstration of Pashupalan farmer Fin. Year 2017-1
  57. List Farm School Fin Year 2016-17 & 2017-18
  58. List of Demonstration Fin. Year 2016-17 & 2017-18 to 
  59. List of Farmer Training, Exposure visit and Farm Sc Januhool Fin Year 2016-17 and 2017-18
  60. List of farm school Fin Year 2015-16
  61. Kisan Pathshala 2016-17 kharif
  62. List of all beneficiary in Kisan Pathshala Fin. Year 2015 to 2017